6 min readJun 2, 2021

PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Platelet rich plasma having excessive growing factor is an innovative process for the people who are facing androgenic alopecia of male and female baldness, hair loss and permanent hair fall. Platelet rich plasma is your own blood taken from any part of your body and injected into the scalp or the area of head where hair loss is common. Platelets are the types of human’s blood which heals quickly with rapid increase in growing. This growing factor acts as an antidote against hair loss and grows new hair. PRP is also used in the skin with micro needling process and at the injured places to make healing and recovery process soon as possible. It is also used to give relief from leg, arm and knee pain.

PRP treatment is an easy way against hair loss for those people who face difficulties in hair transplant. PRP treatment has proved a great treatment for the 29% of women which are the victim of depression due to hair loss. PRP treatment is beneficial for men who feel excessive emotional burden in the society. It is an easy and patient’s friendly procedure to look yourself again beautiful because of regrowth of hair.

What is PRP Treatment?

Platelet rich plasma treatment is very simple process of drawing blood of a particular person and injected to that particular person after passing through a process. Human blood is formed of different cells like red blood cells, white blood cells and a yellowish liquid called “plasma”. Plasma acts like a medium through which the blood circulates in the whole human body. Plasma has protein in platelets in excessive amount which are actually growing factors. It can be very beneficial if somehow there is increased amount of platelet (growing factor) in plasma.

Plasma containing excessive amount of platelets is called platelet rich plasma. Platelet rich plasma is very helpful in healing body injuries, growing hair follicles (sacs which grows hair), plastic surgeries and orthopedic. PRP is used in treatment of healing injured tendon, muscles and for hair regrowth. Some studies proves that PRP boost up the blood supply to hair follicles which means increasing regrowth of hair and boost up the volume of hair. There are two types of PRP treatments which are common in the world:

PRP It is simple platelet rich plasma separated from your own blood. It is concentrated with more platelets than normal blood and has enough good results.

A Cell + PRP A Cell is added to the separated platelet rich plasma and then combined PRP is injected into the scalp which not only grows new follicles and also prevent the hormonal genetic baldness. This combination has more fruit full and long term results than simple PRP. It is also expensive.

How PRP is performed for Hair loss?

PRP for hair loss is a three step process in which blood is drawn, processed and injected to the scalp. It is a medical technique in which the blood is taken in a syringe from the patient’s arm. Blood is centrifuged in a centrifuge machine and platelets are separated from plasma. The separated platelets are combined with the remaining plasma. This concentrated and containing more platelets plasma is injected into the patient’s required body part such as in the scalp for increasing growth rate of restoring hair follicles of the patient.

Particularly there are three steps involved in this process:

Step 1

Blood of the patient is drawn typically from arm with the help of veil. Pour it into a centrifuge machine which spins and separate different blood cells at different speed and densities.

Step 2

Spending 10 minutes in the centrifuge machine blood will be divided into three major components:

o Platelet rich plasma

o Platelet poor plasma

o Red blood cells

Step 3

Separated platelet rich plasma is injected into the patient’s area in the deep scalp for increase in the rate of growth from five to ten times more from usual in normal condition.

Is PRP Effective in Re-growing Hair?

PRP treatment actually increases the natural hair growth and stops the hair loss but it is not a magical procedure that you see the improvements after a night. Results are dominated after at least six months. There are many researches which are doing to evaluate the solo results of PRP for hair loss. Many patients use PRP injections with other medical treatments too so it becomes more difficult to refine results of PRP.

PRP don’t have any effect to the persons who drinks and do smoking. Many plastic surgeons suggest taking a good diet containing iron and vitamin D for growth of hair before any treatment of hair loss. The patient should injected PRP in scalp after a month for three months consistently and after that one session after three to six months.

Is PRP treatment safe for Hair Loss?

PRP treatment procedure is done in which the Patient’s own blood is injected so the risks are very low and is 95% safe strategy against hair loss. Though PRP is very safe process but the persons having following circumstances should not take PRP:

o Chronic liver disease

o Active scalp infection

o Anticoagulants

o Having very less amount of platelets

o Cancer patient

o Hemodynamic Instability

o Chronic Skin Disease

o Metabolic disorder

o Thyroid disease

o Sepsis

o Systematic Disorder

o Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome

o Hypofibrinogenemia

PRP treatment is used in many treatments like postsurgical repair, severe injuries also supports men but the proven and the best suited results are obtained when PRP is used against androgenic alopecia (male and female baldness) and hair loss. It is also very safe as injected into deep scalp.

Recovery Time for PRP Treatment

Platelet rich plasma treatment is actually your own blood having growing factors like proteins which speeds up the healing and recovery process. Patients having PRP treatment feels comfort and faster healing as compare to the area where injuries are present and PRP injection has not been injected. PRP for hair loss responds very rapid and stops hair loss and new hair grows very fast due growing factor.

How much Cost for Hair Loss PRP Treatment?

Cost of PRP treatment is different in different areas in the world. It also changes with the type of PRP you are taken. There are no any hard and fast rules for cost of PRP treatment. According to a report of ABC News 7 Francisco doctors or plastic surgeons take $900 for one session or one injection of PRP in the scalp and $2500 for three consecutive sessions of PRP treatment. In a Washington Post the pricing of PRP injection per session should be $500 to $1200.

Researchers are focusing more on the effectiveness and results of PRP treatment rather than its covering or financial insurance reports. Cost of PRP treatment in Pakistan varies according to the high quality kits used in the process of making platelet rich plasma. Normal cost is PKR 15000 to PKR 25000 for one injection for effective results. There is cost of PKR 8000 to PKR 10000 but this cheaper price injection of PRP has no effective results as low quality kits are used in the process of making platelet rich plasma.

Side Effects of PRP Hair Loss

Platelet rich plasma is your own blood so there are very low chances of any side effect on the patient however there are some reactions which may appear in often patients:

o Headache

o Swelling

o Infection at the injected area

o Scalp tenderness

o Itching

o Temporary bleeding

o Little pain at the particular spot

Success Rate

Indian researchers reported in 2014 that patients saw the results of PRP for Hair loss 30% more growth of new hair at the scalp where the volume of hair was very thinning.

According to Italy study in 2017 volume or density of hair increases more rapidly than the areas where Platelet rich plasma was not injected. Doctors and plastic surgeons have seen that their patients note the effective results of hair growth about 30% to 40% after taking PRP treatment only in three months

PRP for Hair loss…Comparison with other Options

There are only two authentic treatments which FDA also approved for hair loss:



Doctors say that these drugs have to used consistently and the other side the results are not fruit full and consistent. There are side effects of using these medications:

o Finasteride causes sexual dysfunction in male

o Minoxidil creates itching and dryness in the scalp

Hair Transplant is also an option but this treatment is used when there is dramatic loss of hair or baldness. PRP is non-surgical and a natural process of hair loss treatment with long term and fruitful results. So the PRP treatment is the best option to prevent hair loss.


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